Wednesday, August 22, 2007

This curator is equipped for gallery protection... SHUT UP!

Grrr... stupid Curator. We're a casual guild and don't have several hours each night we schedule raids (currently Sunday and Monday) to beat our head against a single boss over and over again. We try to limit runs to 2 hours -- sometimes a bit more.

This past weekend, we had a great run into Karazhan.

On Saturday, we decided to attempt to make a beeline for the Curator, so we hit Moroes first. One shot. Woot! We head for Opera next. Now... my guild has taken down Opera once without me, so it's not exactly a guild first, but damned if we didn't one-shot Romulo and Julianne, too. (It's our second week in a row getting this event.) It's the first time I had seen them die. I had my fingers crossed for the Beastmaw Pauldrons, but they didn't drop. Instead, Romulo's Poison Vial did. There was some chatter on TeamSpeak about this being a great DPS trinket. My +Hit was already pretty good, but I figured I'd roll on it. The only other melee/ranged DPS class in the group was the rogue, and he had already gotten the dagger from Moroes. Didn't do the casters any good. I didn't figure the tanks would want a trinket like that, so...

/roll 100
Annai rolls a 100

LOL! I am -- without a doubt -- the worst roller in WoW. Every time something comes up that I *really* want, I typically roll in the single digits. PUGs along for the ride with 8-9+ of *my* guild members have gotten both the crossbow and wrists from Attumen ahead of me in Kara. Random numbers hate me. Anyway... I wasn't even sure I *wanted* the item, but felt I should roll anyway. OF COURSE I BLOW A 100 ROLL ON THAT! I felt bad because even if someone else *did* want to roll, it's kind of useless to roll against that.

After reading up on the item, I'm not sure it's that great -- reviews are mixed -- but it did give me a 2+% DPS boost on the last Maiden fight (more later). At least that's what Recount said. So... I'll probably continue to use it until something better drops.

So... wonder of wonders. Both lead-ins to The Curator are down and it's only an hour into the run. We ran through the now open stage door, heading through the remainder of the Opera Hall area and on to the Broken Stair area. Got to the pre-Curator pulls and did mostly fine with them. And... there he was....

...and we wiped. Spectacularly. Didn't even see the first Evocation on the first attempt. The flares were murdering us. We tried twice, I think, and were stuck with some re-spawns and some guild members who needed to log.

No problem... we've got another *whole night* to try him out. The next night, we cleared the first trash mobs up to him and gave it three more tries. We got slightly better each time, but on each attempt, we had lost at least one raid member before the first Evocation and we weren't keeping up with the flares so not getting in damage during the Evocations. A few different strats were tried, but my thinking is that we didn't have enough class diversity. No warlock. No druid. No shaman. We were missing some buffs and potential tools there.

So as not to make the evening end on a bad note, we decided to back-track to Attumen and maybe Maiden. Attumen went down like a ton of bricks and dropped a couple of upgrades. The good thing for us is that people still need some things from him, so it's not just a rep kill. We lost the other hunter, but decided to press on to Maiden. I've only seen her go down once, and would you believe we actually one-shotted her, too, with 9 people. Pretty scary for our little band of casual misfits. :)


Mana Battery Bitch said...

While Attumen & Midnight is the gearcheck, Curator is a big bad DPS check. We wiped on him spectacularly (including a couple mis-pulls, dude has the biggest aggro range I've seen) but got him down on our second try after re-adjusting our strategy a little.

We basically had every single DPS nuking the flares and the bare minimum done to Curator. DOTs and nothing else, really. The only time we really did significant damage to him was during Evocation. He went down on the second or thid one, can't remember.

At any rate, best of luck!

Annai said...

Thanks, Krissy! I think you might be my first commenter... ever! :) Not that I've been doing this that long either.

Yeah... our problem seemed to be when we had two rogues chasing the flares and they got near the other "ranged" DPS classes, all the chaining damage was a problem. I still think we needed some sort of other healing rotation, but I'll leave that up to the raid leader. :)

Mana Battery Bitch said...

It's been a while now, but I think when we downed him, we nuked the flares so quickly (we even amazed ourselves) that they went down after only being able to chain lighting 1-2 times. We always had the flare down before the next one came.

Awww, I might be your first commenter, but you obviously read my blog close enough to catch on to the one and only mention of my name! :D

Annai said...

You've been linked. Lemme know if you'd prefer I remove that comment with your name in it. :)

Mana Battery Bitch said...

Nah, it's cool. It's a nickname based off my middle name anyway, so any potential stalkers would have their work cut out for 'em!