Durnholde was a piece of cake. We were kind of overpowered for it, but did have a 68 along. Feral druid, Holy paladin, Frost mage and two warlocks made pretty short work of it. I had already done this instance once on my warlock, but had missed talking to Thrall and my questline didn't advance. Grrr.... Drops were less than stellar for our group, including *2* leather shoulders that the Druid didn't want/need and a mail Shaman item. Would be nice if they could weight the loot tables a *little* more towards the group, but I guess it could be argued that the leather drops were appropriate. But two shoulders?
Black Morass also turned out to be easy. Our 68 Warlock had to leave, but another guildmate (the GM, actually) stepped up after having just run BM with *another* group in the guild doing it for keying.
NOTE: WOOT! to the guild for having two simultaneous 5-mans going. (I told you we were kind of small... but feisty! :D)
He brought along his 70 Warlock, so we had gobs of DPS. The GM took the adds and the rest of us smacked the hell out of the Rift Keepers. Didn't really even have any close calls -- death-wise -- until the last boss. The second -- and usually most difficult -- went down easily. The tank managed to lose the stacking debuff, and after that it was simple. We lost the 2nd 'lock on the last boss. Think he pulled agro and couldn't get the big ol' dragon off him soon enough. Might've been a Time Stop in there, too, preventing a heal. We had to 4-man him down from about 75%, but it still was relatively simple. Slower, but simple.
Got a nice pair of shoulders (although too small on my Orc) that's apparently a re-colored Tier 2 item. I got the robe from Steamvault the previous night, so I'm looking a little less like a color-blind pimp and a little more "cool". Rest of the drops ended up DE'd, too, including some nice tanking pants and a sword. Bear tanks don't like plate.
Black Morass is one of those love-it-or-hate-it kind of places. I have to admit I waffle myself. When I complete it successfully, it's damn fun. When you wipe or it bugs out -- like it did to "Team 1" last night -- it's incredibly frustrating. Last night was fun.
N.B. Picture of Medivh -- as "The Prophet" -- from WoWWiki and Warcraft III, I think, for my one (and only, currently) commenter. Enjoy. :)
1 comment:
It's sad that I came here and immediatly went 'that's Medivh! Squee!' when I saw the picture, isn't it? /blush
BM is my favorite instance, closely followed by SL. I like the challenge of a 'timed' instance like that, where you simply can't stop. Also, it prevents any 'brb 5 mins, have to ________', which is a nice bonus. Then again, I've never ever wiped there, or even come close. Nor seen any glitches. Might have something to do with it ;)
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