Thursday, September 13, 2007

Math is hard...

So... a guildmate is trying to hit revered with Thrallmar and asks for some help with a Shattered Halls run last night. I'm not really busy. Shattered Halls is not my favorite place. But... he's our guild's Holy Paladin and is basically awesome at his job... keeping me and *especially* my pet alive. Oh yeah... he heals the tank, too. :) He needs rep... we're going to go help him out. We fiddle around and finally find a 5th, a fairly well-geared Frost Mage from an allied guild. We've run with this guy a million times in Zul'Gurub and he's great and cool and will do awesome and not complain about occasional sheep breakage or anything else. We're all set. Warrior, Holy Paladin, Mage and 2 Hunters. This is *NOT* e-peen stroking, but more of a request for comment on whether this silly trinket -- [Romulo's Poison Vial] -- is worth continuing to use.

I was going to post the total damage image I cropped for the run, but there no real value in that, so here's my detail from the run:

Number 6 on that list is Romulo's Poison Vial damage. 2.2% of my damage? Really? For an epic trinket? When I rolled on that item, no one seemed to want it. The rogue in the run had already taken the fist weapon from the Big Bad Wolf -- I think it was that run -- so I rolled. Supposedly a good DPS trinket and does proc on both ranged and melee attacks. But is 15K damage for a run where I hit for over 900K really worth it? I guess I need to actually run the math, but "math is hard". The +Hit on the item is really nice, but I can pretty much max that out (at least for Kara bosses) with other trinkets and items. Unfortunately, the other trinkets that I have right now are all on the same cooldown for their "Use:" skill, which is why I've been using this and the [Core of Ar'kelos] as my primary trinket pair. (Yes... I know... it's green, but I don't seem to have better.)

I almost feel obligated to use the Vial because I rolled on it, but I did nearly as much *melee* damage during the run for cripe's sake as I did with this trinket. I guess 2% is 2%, but if I had another trinket -- now I forget what I have -- that boosted my +Crit, would that make up the difference? I guess it's time to get Excel or a calculator out and do the math. :P


Mana Battery Bitch said...

Edit your post, click on show HTML, scroll to the image and remove the part that says 'width=400;' or whatever it's set to.

Make sure to remove only the ; after, noth both, or you'll mess things up :)

That should allow the image to appear in it's natural size.

Annai said...

Thanks, K. I mess with the HTML for other stuff, and didn't think to mess with it and remove the size on the image tag. Looks much better.

Unknown said...

Personally I'd get the Abacus off of Calculator in Mechanar and the Hourglass off of the Second (?) boss in Black Morass.

Easier said then done, I know. But well worth it! Now if the Hourglass would just proc *before* the last shot fired :\

Annai said...

I helped people on BM more times than I care to think about and have never seen the Hourglass. I haven't run Mech much, though.

Lleu said...

Mech is easy. Light pulls and very short. I think the biggest pulls are 4 mobs and they're toward the end of the run.