I kinda like the double-meaning of the title. Maybe my character's "eye" to the outside world?
Many of my guildmates still have trouble saying my name in TeamSpeak/Ventrilo even after I posted and [bumped] a link of this video to my guild's forums. Oh well... I answer to numerous variations and don't get cranky about it. Much. :)
I've used the character name in MMOs all the way back to the original Asheron's Call. It should be spelled "An'nai", but WoW is finicky about using apostrophes in your name. You can do it, but try getting someone to /tell or /whisper you. There's some arcane numberpad shortcut for doing it. (I'm surprised the spammers haven't taken advantage yet.)
I recently had to remove the apostrophe from my guild forum name, too, as it was causing the parser for our raid manager to cough up furballs. So there you have it....
Annai (an-EYE)
For the true geeks out there, the name comes from Tad William's wonderful "Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn" trilogy. (Most of my character names come from there.) If you haven't read it and like fantasy literature, it's worth at least picking up at the library and giving a try. The first book -- The Dragonbone Chair -- starts out a little slow, but things pick up fairly quickly. An'nai should technically be an elf, but who wants to play those goodie-two-shoes anyway?
Also, credit for the avatar goes to the Looking for Group comic. They offer up those thumbnails for forum avatars. Hopefully it's OK to use 'em for blogs, too.
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